An abandoned, smaller liner airport
encased with graffiti of lost dreams
it separates us from the rest of the world
high grass and open fields of unknown species
flowers gripping our minds
dropped in hallucinations
we ran as far from reality as our minds can take us
I miss where we would go.
Bryana Saldana (she/her/they) is a 27 year-old lesbian poet, writer, lover and creator residing in Florida. She has been published in the anthology, Women Who Roar and an online literary journal Eris & Eros. She holds a column in the Florida originating Watermark Magazine. In her column she discusses her reflections on the journey of her life, which could be found here.
Bryana aims to invoke feelings of nostalgia with her work.She draws inspiration from the playful, yet meticulous experience of cooking, listening to the vulnerability and honesty of artists through all artistic dimensions, ranging from Maya Angelou to Tsu Surf. Painting is another medium Bryana uses to invoke thought, nostalgia, and most importantly, love.