1,000 to 5,000 words. If you are slightly over the word count, we may be flexible. Include your piece as a Word or Pages attachment, preferably with a page count. Please send no more than one submission at a time.
If your prose could be described as weird, surreal, dream-like, experimental, funny, off-kilter, clever, or lyrical, odds are we'll like it.
Under 1,000 words. Up to three flash pieces may be published per one author. Please only submit three pieces at a time.
Send poems that are undeniable: take risks, display craft. Three poems maximum with no length limitations.
Submissions of book reviews are accepted year-round. We prefer a focus on books/chapbooks/poetry collections published by independent/small presses. Please expect to work with editorial edits to finalize your submission. Attach the submission as a separate file (doc or docx preferred). Length: 500-1500 words.
If you have been published with Overheard, please wait six months before submitting new work, unless specifically contacted by an editor.
If you had a piece rejected by Overheard, please wait one month before submitting again.
Simultaneous submissions are encouraged; let us know if your piece is accepted elsewhere!
You may submit to as many categories as you would like; please separate subs into different emails if submitting to multiple genres.
We will accept self-published work (including collections & blogs), but we will no longer accept previously published (in another publication) work.
We can not compensate writers or artists at this time.
Apart from the right to publish your piece online, Overheard retains no rights over your work. We will seek your permission before including a piece in our yearly print anthology.
Overheard welcomes unsolicited submissions for online publication, with a chance to be included in a future print anthology.
Follow @overheardlit on Twitter, or check back here for updates & contests.
To submit, email your work to OVERHEARDLITMAG@GMAIL.COM.
Subject line: [GENRE] Submission: [Title]
If submitting more than one piece, use the title: "Multiple Submissions"
If submitting to more than one genre, please separate your work into multiple emails.
Please clearly state the title(s), the genre, your name, and include a third-person bio in your email.
To withdraw a submission, please reply to the original email sent with your submission.